Companies in the UK
The UK has a high concentration of companies working in cellular agriculture: those developing end-products for consumers as well as those providing reagents, equipment and scale-up capabilities for the emerging industry.
If you are a new UK company and would like to be added to the table above, please contact us.
Other Ecosystem
A range of other organisations further support the alternative protein ecosystem in the UK.
In addition to Cell Ag UK, such organisations include:
Good Food Institute (GFI) Europe, a think-tank supporting researchers, policy-makers and industry in sustainable protein transition. GFI Europe is active within the UK, having a dedicated UK policy team. They have recently produced a comprehensive review with recommendations on alternative protein in the UK
Alternative Protein Association (APA), an association of businesses that aims to promote alternative proteins in the UK and be a representative voice for the industry
Cultivate, a forum supporting dialogue about cellular agriculture in the UK, e.g. through their annual one-day conference.
IChemE’s Biochemical Engineering Special Interest Group is an international forum for the technical and professional development of biochemical engineering for industrial practitioners, academics and students. They hold an annual one-day conference on cultivated meat.
Bryant Research, a company providing social science, market research and policy analysis services focused on alternative proteins and protein transition.
Food Standards Agency (FSA), a governmental body, providing guidance and regulatory frameworks for novel cell-cultivated products. They have recently launched a regulatory sandbox for cell-cultivated products.