UK Universities
Below is a table of UK universities with associated academics working on cellular agriculture topics. The list is likely non-exhaustive and we are keen to add any other relevant researchers. Please contact us and we will add you to our table.
Some of the universities and researchers are now affiliated with the recently established alternative protein research hubs, while others have separate research programmes. A number of universities also have established student societies dedicated to alternative proteins. Many of these were set up with help from our University Outreach Project, and many are now part of the GFI’s Alt Protein Project.
While there are currently no bachelors or masters programmes dedicated to cell ag, universities where lecturers are involved in relevant research often feature cell ag topics in their modules and degree projects. An increasing number of PhD and Postdoctoral positions in cell ag are becoming available, some of the recent examples can be viewed at the bottom of our Looking for a PhD guide.
Feel free to also explore the report from our 2023 University Mapping Project, which investigated the role and current state of UK universities within cell ag, and systematically mapped their potential to become research and teaching hubs for cellular agriculture.
Student Societies
The table below shows the student societies connected to Universities in the UK. Some are also GFI Alt Protein Projects. If there is not a society at your university and you are thinking about setting one up - then have a look at our resources to help. You can also get in touch with us and we can answer any questions you have.